CZČesky DEDeutsch


Introduction > About us > Company policy


Management of the company Marták Logistic s.r.o is aware of the responsibility for environmental protection during the realization of entrepreneurial activities. Therefore there were adopted the following principles of environmental policy:

  • To follow all legal and other environmental protection requirements, conserve natural resources and provide safe work environment.
  • To decide on investment intentions and their realization with respect to the environment.
  • To manage and educate employees to environmentally responsible behaviour and reach the state when they are fully aware of environmental policy of the company, so they would fully support and uphold it.
  • To create conditions for ecologic behaviour of employees.
  • To manage operation, maintenance of vehicles and storage of goods the way that the impact on environment is under control and as little as possible.
  • To prevent risk and pollution and to prevent possibilities of occurance of extraordinary situations, whose consequences may have negative impact on environment.
  • To carry out regular and planned preventive maintenance and minimalize negative environmental impacts related to the operation of vehicles, machines and equipment.


Our supplier policy is conducted with the following strategic principles:

  • We emphasize and enforce equitable business practices, openness, ethics and equality of opportunities toward actual and even new suppliers.
  • In relationships with suppliers, we support teamwork with respect to constant increase of value for us and our partners.
  • As our strategic partners, we consider especially external carriers, suppliers of transport, manipulation and warehouse technology, information systems and suppliers of services. We decided to build real partnership with them.
  • In the case that suppliers repeatedly prove high competence to fulfill our requirements, they are offered long term cooperation.
  • Evaluation of the performance of our suppliers will be elaborated according to the criteria of quality, profitability, expenses on life cycle, flexibility, respecting the legislation and regulations in the field of OSH, FP, development of their activities in the area of social awareness and respecting legislative regulations in the area of environmental protection.
  • We expect our suppliers to adopt these values and principles as their own, because we try to promote these values and principles during our performance ourselves.


Management of the company determines the policy on the basis of the impact and influence of activities, products and services on safety and health protection of employees.
Management of the company is fully identified with the following basic priorities and objectives in the field of occupational safety and is obliged to follow and fulfill these objectives:

  • To secure accordance with all valid legal regulations and norms in the area of occupational health and safety.
  • To identify health and safety risks incl. their classification according to relevancy and probability. To take action to minimalize identified risks like for example. trainings, education, implementation of modern technologies and safety equipment.
  • During the company management meetings, to assess regular fulfillment of targets established in order to provide occupational safety. At the same time, to examine all impulses and findings that may lead to, or already led to, serious injury of persons, health damage, accidental situations or loss. To take action according to evaluated findings, so further occurance of these situations is prevented.
  • To increase awareness of all employees that their behaviour influences the safety of their colleagues and themselves. To motivate all employees of the company the right way to follow all levels of safety. To increase and prove constantly the awareness of safety for all levels of executives of the company.
  • To cooperate with our negotiated partners, suppliers and customers, so we are able to achieve improvement in the field of occupational safety and health protection in all our workplaces.
  • Principles of occupational health and safety policy are mandatory for all employees of the company.

Marták Logistic s.r.o. - Freight transport services, forwarding, storage


In the Beginning
Establishment of the Company
Marták Logistic
background of the company
Branch office in
České Budějovice established
Branch office in
Praha established
storage halls